Saturday, January 28, 2006

friday night chinatown

jus came back from chinatown. luckily i wasnt crowded..but the 'pasa malam' no more leh. damn sad. think they renovating or building some temple ..wanted to go there get some sleeping wear and stuff. nth much this yr at chinatown. all the shops r the same. quite boring. so that means tmr night after my reunion dinner - which will be at home(finally) - i wont be goin down to chinatown again. sigh.. as for my new year clothes. ive got $200. suppose to buy 2 pants and some shirts.
i end up buying a blazer, one pants, two berms and a shirt. lOl. sure kena screw if my sis noes. zz.
if i wish i could have more budget..den i will wanna buy ... 2 blazer, 2 or 3 long sleeve shirts, some berms, some t shirts and some accessories....and then, gotta pay all my debts. hahaha. ASAP!!

anyways, today was MIT GM. started ard 635pm. ended quite late, around 9? yah... then annoucing of the FO camp post. some were quite happy and well of course, some people got pissed as u can see from their face expressions. i got quite sad la. but its ok. haha.. most of the postage r fairly planned out actually. congrates to Shawn and Junhao, our Camp Chief and Asst Camp Chieft respectively. and of course, not forgetting our Banana Man (Jin) !! our QM! haha. and he claims to be the Sai Kang King 06/07. lol.

someone's gonna get sick. are you? so please takecare of yourself. nevetheless, i wont break my promise. hhaha..travelling up and down yea? =). anyways, its Chinese New Year, so just enjoy it man! dont let your assignment kills ur joy... u got me to split ur loads on assignments. ahha. though i cant draw...still! haha. takecare alright..james


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