Sunday, May 25, 2008

Taiwan, Taipei - Day 1


Taiwan trip was plan sometime ago. But booking was kinda rush as I was still deciding to go - No money la. Ha. But Sisters sponsored me the trip. So I'm grateful. That's their birthday present to me anyway. Thanks once again.

16th May
Suppose to meet like 11am. As usual, I was late. Reached airport at 12pm. Ha! We'll be flying by Jet Star. Budget la, paiseh. Ha. It's only a 4hours flight.

What are they looking at man?

Ha, Welcome to Taiwan.

I thought this was cook. 'Newspaper Vending Machine'. Ha! But I only sees it at airport.

Went to inquire and bought the bus ticket. Paid like 132NT. The coach dropped us at the nearest Metro - a.k.a MRT - Station which we had to walk about 5mins to our Hotel

Our Hotel. Yomi Hotel.

Me and Nut's Room. Queens Size bed sia.

Anyway, so happen that they have adult channels. Lol. No need further detail nor explanation right? =)

Got down the plan, got to hotel was around 8pm. Anyway, there's no time difference. Our first stop was night market - 士林夜市. Took the metro there.

They don't use Ez-Link card. They use CHIPS!!!!!! Likewise; Tab-based (Sensor).

It was Friday night, which is why the market was crowded with people. But heard from the cab drivers it's always filled with so many people. Ha.

Ha, Taiwan 士林炸鸡排. Superb. 101% nicer than Singapore's. It's Crispy-er. It's Juciy-er. It's just Fabulous.

They sausages...

Look at the MUA JI. It's like the size of a SIEW MAI la. Lol.

The BBQ Corn which Junhao got Conned. Eventually, we gave it a name - The Conned Corn. Lame indeed.

Hmmmmmmmmm. Damn Conned Corn block 1/3 of my face. KNN.

士林 was kinda big. There's a lot of entrances and exits. Ha. We kept searching for the 炸鸡排 too. Ate like 3 or 4 I think. Ha.

Then, we came to this section, where they have games, just like our Pasa Malam.

Then there this section where they sell pets.

Baby Husky sehhh. Gosh............

The mini-pig!!!

Guinea Pigs................

Guinea Pig after 1 yr...

My god. Looks cute sia. Anyway, they don't stink leh. Ha.

Ha. That's the end of Day 1. Lot's to walk. Lot's to see.


Anyway, have some comments regarding Taiwan's 'MRT' and local's MRT.

They actually get into Queues, despite the long crowded station. They drew lines so people can follow along the way into the train. Systematic isn't. Or maybe their Attitude. Taiwanese are very sociable - at least to me for the 5 days. Very courteous. Very discipline.

1)They queue up orderly.

2)Allow the people to get down from the train FIRST, before they would go in.

3)They will NOT block the pathway, not allowing other people to get into/getting out of the train.

4)They'll not sit on designated seats made for Elderly, the Pregnant Woman etc.

5)They'll stand one one side - RIGHT SIDE - of the escalator in order to allow people who're in rush to use the LEFT side.

As the above pointers. I see none occurring in Singapore. I wont even use FREQUENTLY. It's just not happening. People here rush to get into the train like there's no tomorrow.

I feel lugubrious.


Oh - 自摩


Went mahjong this afternoon. Played kinda long.

Won a margin. Was losing until this..................

....happened. 自摩 sia.


Saturday, May 24, 2008



Been chionging fyp report - submitted - for the last couple of weeks.

Had a short 5 days trip to Taiwan, Taipei with Ming Kong a.k.a Nat a.k.a Baby Penguin, Mr Tay Junhao and Miss Twisty Shuping a.k.a ahPang.

Celebrated my 21st on 10th May, Saturday. Held over at my place's function room. Many thanks to those turned up be it my budds, schools mates and families. To others who didn't, well. assssss. Ha joking la.

Anyway, some pics to go along.

First guy - posing with a twist - starting clockwise (Shichi, Kok Hua, Yong Qian, Bernard, Kaiyi, Choon Kiat). My Primary, Secondary NCC Budds. To ChoonKiat and Bernard, 14yrs of friends and counting. To the rest, 8yrs of friends and counting. Just a gentle reminder - Quit smoking man. Thanks. Lol.

Clockwise from the guy with glasses. Hong Jin - Intelligent, OCS, NUS soon - also my NCC Budds, 8yrs of friends. 2 nephews - Jerome, Joshua. Jianhui - 5yrs sec mate cum Track&Field mate - & GF (sorry i forgotten your name, opps)

Next, clockwise as usual. Guan Chuan, Fook Yuen. Now MITs - Shermian, Leon, Shuping, Junhao, Barnet, eh cant see, Nataniel Chan. To the MITs - A wonderful 2.5yrs I spent with guys. Experience varies. I had fun usually. Our Temptation, Sensation, Aggression FO Camp 06/07 Rocks. Our Chalets, outings, soccer. Sorry but I still holds the record for being LATE. Ha! Appreciate the days in school and in MIT Club. Now that u all had graduated or preparing for enlistments. My best regards to everyone. We do had to catch up more often. Mahjong and K man. Right shermian? We haven go. Ha

The SP Track&Field Dudes. From the Twist Guy - Weiyu (fello Taiwanese), Eric, Jiesheng, Stanley, Ramanan Tan (lol! A chinese Wannabe), Johnson (the jovial,joker).

The SP Track&Field Dudettes. From Left, PuiHan, Yilin, Grace, Esther a.k.a Edison and Samantha.

Enjoy training daily with u guys. The motivation and dedication u guys showed, proved the rest wrong. The thought of training everyday to passer-by, is nuts. But I believe, Nothing Worthwhile is every Easy. Commitment comes with sacrifice. And I see that in everyone within the SP Athletics.

p.s. The Results you see Tomorrow, Are worth the pain Today - Kobe

The two alr mentioned. From Left, Berlinda, Cara and Felix Ker. My DIT class mates. To Felix: Appreciate the time u help me through assignments back in Yr1 Sem 2. I still remember every bit. Visual Basic? Hell ya. You're probably my gay-est budds in SP. One of the Fc6. The other is Kevin btw but he's not here. Ha. Anyway, you're like my IT Encyclopedia. Can't do without you seriously. Should have work hard in yr1. I knew and I know. A very helpful and knowledgeable friend i came across. A simple Thank You can't express my feelings currently. Thanks for everything =)

My 21st B'day Cake. Looks like a 5 yr old cake. But hell, the Chocolate Rocks BIG BIG time - from Awfully Chocolate. Check it out and u know.

p.s. I like Leon's shirt btw.

My Family.

Nice picture, but I'm gonna be thrown into the pool. Ha.

There you go. Ha Ha

Ok. Gtg for training. it'a 5pm. Gonna be late! Sharkssssss. Blog Later about Taiwan. Bye guys


Monday, May 05, 2008

suntanning @ palawan

was at sentosa on saturday with the gls' and some freshies.

well, played some games here and there. by the time i know, it's evening. ha!

played "water-captain's ball" man. kinda fun. haven play captain's for ages. hahaha! i went to play the block, yes blocker. can u believe it - i know i'm short =)

then beach volleyball. but no Frisbee. why why! Why not Frisbee. Talking about Frisbee, there's this Frisbee guys coming to sp and practice. it's just like captain's ball, but they substitute the ball with a Frisbee lah. Cool isn't it.

ok, back to sentosa.

yes, i was in there - the sand. burried. haha. Mr Sandman. anyway, fq, you're not light after a couple of hops. lOl.

then, i was tanning. then i realize i didn't tan my inner arm as much thus it looks whiter. ha!

after which, had dinner and accompanied the guys to hip-hop class at town when i met up with en ming. we went NUM @ heeren and he got me an application form for num ambassador. lol. worth a try uh. boh lui (broke) already man.