Monday, May 05, 2008

suntanning @ palawan

was at sentosa on saturday with the gls' and some freshies.

well, played some games here and there. by the time i know, it's evening. ha!

played "water-captain's ball" man. kinda fun. haven play captain's for ages. hahaha! i went to play the block, yes blocker. can u believe it - i know i'm short =)

then beach volleyball. but no Frisbee. why why! Why not Frisbee. Talking about Frisbee, there's this Frisbee guys coming to sp and practice. it's just like captain's ball, but they substitute the ball with a Frisbee lah. Cool isn't it.

ok, back to sentosa.

yes, i was in there - the sand. burried. haha. Mr Sandman. anyway, fq, you're not light after a couple of hops. lOl.

then, i was tanning. then i realize i didn't tan my inner arm as much thus it looks whiter. ha!

after which, had dinner and accompanied the guys to hip-hop class at town when i met up with en ming. we went NUM @ heeren and he got me an application form for num ambassador. lol. worth a try uh. boh lui (broke) already man.


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