Monday, January 30, 2006

1st Day of CNY

when visiting today. left house quite late.. around 230? because gotta wait for big brother to finish lunch den can go. so this yr we visited 3 places only. walan. only 3 places and im damn damn tired. anyway, yesterday after my dinner, went to watch I Not Stupid Too. hahaha. quite funny la. the show has its own character. damn tired to write abt anything oso. tmr will be boring.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

friday night chinatown

jus came back from chinatown. luckily i wasnt crowded..but the 'pasa malam' no more leh. damn sad. think they renovating or building some temple ..wanted to go there get some sleeping wear and stuff. nth much this yr at chinatown. all the shops r the same. quite boring. so that means tmr night after my reunion dinner - which will be at home(finally) - i wont be goin down to chinatown again. sigh.. as for my new year clothes. ive got $200. suppose to buy 2 pants and some shirts.
i end up buying a blazer, one pants, two berms and a shirt. lOl. sure kena screw if my sis noes. zz.
if i wish i could have more budget..den i will wanna buy ... 2 blazer, 2 or 3 long sleeve shirts, some berms, some t shirts and some accessories....and then, gotta pay all my debts. hahaha. ASAP!!

anyways, today was MIT GM. started ard 635pm. ended quite late, around 9? yah... then annoucing of the FO camp post. some were quite happy and well of course, some people got pissed as u can see from their face expressions. i got quite sad la. but its ok. haha.. most of the postage r fairly planned out actually. congrates to Shawn and Junhao, our Camp Chief and Asst Camp Chieft respectively. and of course, not forgetting our Banana Man (Jin) !! our QM! haha. and he claims to be the Sai Kang King 06/07. lol.

someone's gonna get sick. are you? so please takecare of yourself. nevetheless, i wont break my promise. hhaha..travelling up and down yea? =). anyways, its Chinese New Year, so just enjoy it man! dont let your assignment kills ur joy... u got me to split ur loads on assignments. ahha. though i cant draw...still! haha. takecare alright..james

Wednesday, January 25, 2006


Seriously speaking, i admire those guys who can mix damn well with any girls. you see them basically sticking to them non stop? chit chatting, giggles, playing ard (tickles etc). well, FLIRT isnt it?

well, not a lot of guy can do that man. look at those who are more soft spoken? - u think girls go talk to them? they probably should go take up some confident boosting courses man.

But many a times, some guys just get misunderstood by girls as FLIRTer. Why? Simply because they hang out most of their time with girls? tickle here tickle there? Definately not. Some guys are just being really friendly. like they greet one other morning or watever, den sit down chit chat a while. its typically normal man.

Of course, if u got a gf and u behave in this manner, ur gf will feel insecure i feel. and its very normal to feel it that way. sometimes i feel, having a gf is such a waste of time. hahahah (i mean sometimes). nevertheless, both party's compromisation (is there such a word?) must be taken into consideration. a relationship is not easy to maintain man. and i guess i dont have that kinda time. im dedicated to sports, mit stuff and lastly my magic...(see, i didnt even include sch work). hahaha. i damn slack la. im a slacker.

so girls. i cant change ur thinking anyway. but do take in consideration. not all guys are a FLIRT to you. you never know until u really understand him thoroughly. dont let your indecisive decisions mislead u!!

Monday, January 23, 2006


dinner at fish & co. today!. its been a long long time since ive eat there. really love their fish and chip to the maxx. anyway, chinese new year is nearing! miss shopping at chinatown. lOl.

Sunday, January 22, 2006


went ONE with some friends. it was free entry. suppose to go MOS. hahaa. but im lazy and chalk said i wont be fun. ONE was ok, dancefloor was 3/4 flooded with guys, cant u believe it? damn. hahaha. sister scolded me for not telling her im not coming home. haha as usual uh? im tired!!

hopefully tmr can go gym in sch.bye for now


basketball lost to CLS. was a great match. both teams played to their very best and i guess its very entertaining indeed? it was very sad that we've got someone shrewed our team work out. i cant imagine few mins into the game, he substituted 2 guys into the game. end up we lost quite some pts. he's the infamous Captain Planet. damn. i feel sorry for Gary and my teammates man. nevertheless, there's still a slight chance that CADC might win EEE. wining percentage will be very little thought. *sigh*. [pls win cadc!!!]

den we got nightwalk after our dinner at tahman jurong. xue jia brought us to eat string ray! hahha. its was not bad. when back sch, played some bball. security saw me. lol. nth much happen though. went for nightwalk, plan scare pts and other necessary stuff. den 4 of us namely alvin, shawn, junhao and myself. we bought snacks and watch some movies. slept at T15. damn tired.