Tuesday, February 21, 2006

saturday 18 Feb

hee, cant imagine im blogging at this hour..tsk tsk tsk...........

managed to catch campus superstar today! yes,
FINALLY ! caught them singing and the results as well. im glad that Geraldine See and Adriano got into the Semi (semi rite?). chatting with Shermian while watching it. we were jus mad over the MSN abt them! hahaha. den i'm so anxious about the results man til i keep Nudge-ing Shermian. lOl. anyway..................

Last Saturday, i went to CrossRoads concert..its a concert put up by our very own SP DMAT students! i thought the overall performaces were fantastic! bunny and mel were great mc... didnt know mel were so great! hahaa. concert lasted for around 2 hrs and there was a encore! hahaha. i think the dmat students are really talented and they r capable of playing literally every instrument. maybe to the musicians its a must to know how to play most intruments. but to a layman in music, i think they r great. especially esther, i think she's great though she only had 2 performances. playing keyboard for the first performance and for the latter, she sang Angel. i got back in time from the toilet to catch her performance man..hah..although she complained she got a sore throat or somekind, she really sing FLAWLESSLY...haha. perfect duet partner! i think her singing can melt guy's heart man.hahaha.

anyway, im now eating maggie mee. taking a 15mins break and go back to my study on VB. paper's on 9am tmr! damn, thats early la. its either i slp later or i dont. if i were to slp, i doubt i will wake up! hahaha. i better not fail too badly for tmr's paper. hopefully a pass. hopefully pass everything and i can transfer to Diploma in Games Design and Development, if not Digital Media.

after the paper, gonna stay back in school and revise my DataBase. den will be goin to Jurong Mrt Interchange to make my Ez-Link. hee.. cant believe to replace a Tertiary Ez-link u gotta pay
$21 !!! what the hell right? i think its damn freaking ex la.

i think im gonna go work during the holidays. hopefully i get to do some paid gigs or shows for my magic. *sigh* .. sometimes, i think i jus cannot make it in magic. though people out there may think im pro or whatever, cuz you guys jus dont know that being a performer aint easy. there are lots of criterias to be a performer (or maybe im jus being a perfectionist in magic). talking about magic, though my guardians are quite supportive, i feel that for this 1 year in magic, i didnt achieve a lot. had been studying books on magic. studying abt philosophy, theory and ethnics on magic. all those materials i've bought i have yet to touch them (i'm jus being lazy to go read and work on them). i'm gonna plan a timetable during the holidays and do my stuff. Yea!

think i gotta go back and study..........bye for now.


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