Thursday, September 21, 2006

心雨 - 周杰伦 [依然范特西]

詞/方文山 曲/周杰倫

橡樹的綠葉啊 白色的竹籬笆
好想告訴我的她 這裡像幅畫
去年的聖誕卡 鏡子裡的鬍渣
畫面開始沒有她 我還在裝傻

說好為我泡花茶 學習擺刀叉
守著電話 卻等不到她

心裡的雨傾盆而下 也沾不濕她的髮

心裡的雨傾盆而下 卻始終淋不到她

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

enjoying holiday so far?

ha, well people, im not gone!

rather busy due to tight working and training schedule. (p.s. i still can find time though, depending who u r!).

having ivp this comning saturday @ gombak stadium and ends on the 23rd, and sadly, 25th start 2nd semester alrdy! isnt that fast! shit....hopefully i got no "F" this time round. damn troubled with the release of result on the 13th..better pass everything

so hows ltc people? had fun? enjoyed? complains? hhaha. and we r moving back to SAC area! yea man. long waited day. sorry to those who like the club room @ beneath fc4. i simply misses fc3 prata and slacking @ bball court. slacking @ fc5. and missing the people walking around SAC!! new club room is nice. saw is weeks before when they r still renovating. at least its nicer than before!

cant wait for school to start, and then again, there's still a lot of things for me to do. well, i'll wait for the 13th and decide then.
