Wednesday, September 06, 2006

enjoying holiday so far?

ha, well people, im not gone!

rather busy due to tight working and training schedule. (p.s. i still can find time though, depending who u r!).

having ivp this comning saturday @ gombak stadium and ends on the 23rd, and sadly, 25th start 2nd semester alrdy! isnt that fast! shit....hopefully i got no "F" this time round. damn troubled with the release of result on the 13th..better pass everything

so hows ltc people? had fun? enjoyed? complains? hhaha. and we r moving back to SAC area! yea man. long waited day. sorry to those who like the club room @ beneath fc4. i simply misses fc3 prata and slacking @ bball court. slacking @ fc5. and missing the people walking around SAC!! new club room is nice. saw is weeks before when they r still renovating. at least its nicer than before!

cant wait for school to start, and then again, there's still a lot of things for me to do. well, i'll wait for the 13th and decide then.



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