Friday, July 07, 2006


so many unhappy things happen uh, at least for the past two weeks. well, i didnt post as much too. been rather busy and unhappy things got nth for me to post..unhappy things, either you go settle it, or u forget jus seems so primary school, so childish..if u guys cant stand me, walk to me and tell me 'i dont wanna friend you' and i'll get it.

jus ended my most demoralising day for the past 2 months (or less) .. getting people to work as a whole seems like finding a needle in a hay stack..but nevertheless, i've done my part and all i've gotta say is you did not..actually, im rather happy because some of us completed this repetitious training session and i cant wait for the day - 12th July.

i miss so many people. where's my idiotic primary school gang? my secondary gay friends? its been a long long time i'd seen u guys. but i guess, BMT is the answer..i miss MOS. haha. i miss the fun time with my dear Chalk! Matthias, Kevin and some friends. dont mistaken, not for grinding but dancing the whole night tiring ourself out. haha..i miss people whom i used to talk to often. jerelyn's one. haha. you're working too much arent you? vivian? haven been seeing u the past 6 months i guess...busy in nyp? =p .. and yes, you, i'm missing you. you know who your are arent you? silly girl. lets get crazy this weekend!

anyway, jus got the poly50 team t-shirt. wasn't the best i dream it would be. back design was great. font was atrocious, uh? well, it wasn't as bad when i try to had a couple of second look on it. doesnt matter good or bad, most importantly, can run..


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