Friday, November 23, 2007

7 more weeks before semester ends

ya ya .. damn long never post a thing. been kinda busy but it's not a reason not to post though.

mid sem test just ended a couple weeks ago. didn't pretty well i guessed. it's the best mid semester result i've got. lol. u guys would know how i fair the last 5 semesters. =)

coping with 4 assignments and track & field training daily. tsk..

assignments still manageable despite some group mates not helping out most of the time - realizing that i have to team up with some of them for final year project next sem. been hardworking this semester man. well, note that i didn't use "more hardworking" cause i have not been working hard for the past semester! how pathetic. sometimes i just wish it's my first year still.

inter varsity polytechnic(ivp) games for track&field ended a month ago. the sp boys did well by achieving 5th behind the 3 Uni and nyp i think. however for overall, we got 8th position (out of 9). Lol Damn sad. though ivp's over i'm still training daily. madness isn't it? i'm too much of a runaholic i think. HA HA

anyway, my place's under renovation. it's been 8 weeks and still not done! my god. 8 weeks is what they promise though. so wanna see my room, my toilet HA HA. so right now, staying with my other sis - still the same apartment, but different unit.

well, guess i have to wait a month more i think. So Nut, where to this weekend? Old Airport Road? we can get ceed down too! and we can go for some session of pool, how's that?


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