Tuesday, March 14, 2006


went to IT fair(3rd time!@#$#$) to meet felixker. he's there to take photos, again. he was taking photos with May, this model who poses for LG electronics. afterwhich we rush down to Holiday Inn Hotel for our Annual Dinner & Dance. he's the photographer of the night. lOl. and im suppose to perform for the guest and grads. did some effects here and there. rathering boring. oh, called up vivian and noe she's working that night. chatted a while before the dinner started.

Ok, Dinner was TERRIBLY BAD! its a mixture of Malay & Indian Cuisine and i thought some of the food tasted like arggggg SHIT. lOl. ok, but main aim is too enjoy, not to have good foods. anyway, the MC was damn good. everything was so fun, participated in games and lucky draw. annnnnnnnnnd, i can believe im so F*CKING lucky. I WON A PSP (PlayStation Portable). Its the FIRST PRICE la. im like WTF! i jus couldnt believe it. still pondering where to use it or sell it away.

we went to the hotel room, was quite rowdy til people beside complained to front desk. wahahah. so we decided to go cineleisure for BIG MOMMA'S HOUSE 2. was kinda funny. CJ laughed so loud like the theatre is HIS. lOl. after the show, went to LJS for some drinks, den went back to hotel. slack til the morning den went off with CJ, Tech Chau and Felixker.

went back to gan eng seng for the NCC annual camp. world is really changing now. the camp look so slack! haha. a few push ups and the campers r dead. the camp still have BBQ during CO night. wa. good life ar. back then, after CO night we kena tekan. dinner was normal food as well. lOl. then see their marching, wa, horrendous. damn jialat. well, now the kids r having a good life in school lah. every little thing complain, a bit tough only call parents complain liao. zzz.


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