Thursday, February 22, 2007


Where are you?? Are you back, are you? sighsiigh....

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Jerome Murat

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Happy Lunar New Year's Eve!

Been tidying up my room yesterday night, yes whole night, haven sleep and I have to report to work @ 11am. Hardworking isn't it? Yes I know.

Pictures of my untidy room:

When I was packing; packing, arranging; arranging, I came across this journal book - Gan Eng Seng School 1C - IT WAS MY SEC1 JOURNAL BOOK LAHH! How amazing is that? Looking back, time really flies. I miss so much back then. Reading article by article was indeed memorable, funny and yet, all my wishful; naive thinking. Chit chatting about who like who la, playing football in class, running out of class to do crappy stuffs. Ha ha. Hey, but I’m always on time for school alright, though I did got my detention on my first week of school! DAMN!

Events like the first day in secondary school, having to meet new friends and teachers and all sorts of new subjects. We had quarrels, arguments, fights and anything u could have thought of. I wish I still have all these now. Poly’s so much different. Everyone is so busy with own things. Some got to work and there’s CCAs too. But don’t worry, I still love you guys in school and felix you know you’re one of them though you’re a Malaysian, I didn’t hate you like the rest, did I? Ha. Ok out of point.

Even though Principle tended to come to our class FREQUENTLY, even though my class has all the AH BENGs and AH LIANs and some GUAI KIAs, they never fail to brighten up my days. Now that I’m where I am, we meet lesser; we talk less often, our friendship distant. Of course, I’m referring to my classmates from 1C, 2C, 3E, 4E, and 5C and names like Andy, Ghim Huat, Eugene, Tien Wee, Alvin and etc. Too many to named. Ha!

Not to forget my buddies – my NCC gay buddies.

The night definitely made me recall and ponder about friendships. Sorry it might get boring.

Being a New Year for us Chinese, I think it’s wise to quickly return those our owing. Qian Guo Nian Bu Hao! Hui Suay! Ha. But I don’t mind you guys owing me. TSK.

Post again tonight. Happy Lunar New Year once again!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

New posts. uh?

Ok I'm "ask" to blog or rather, UPDATE. hahaha

Having bad headaches these few days. Jialat.

Well, dont really know what to post but this girl, just reminded me to blog about my JEANS and shoe I'd just bought. Here's the shoe (Sorry I'm lazy, so just got the pictures from the net):

And, cause Chinese New Year just round the corner, got to tidy up my room, wardrobe and all. Just came to realise I have 17 pair of JEANS! Crazy or not? Maybe not. I think more to come! ha ha ha!

I think my room is in a mess! oh!

I also think I'm tired of working! But no work = no money! (Remember? Sigh)

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

End of my torturing

Last paper on Wednesday - Internet Technologies. Today's JSPG paper was so screwed. I basically can't remember a shit when I'm inside browsing through the paper the first few minutes. I hope for a D-.

Well, it's already over. So shall not ponder over it. Shall start thinking about future. Holidays coming. Got to Enjoy isn't it!

Valentine's Day coming up, but I'm working ha! Is it good or bad?

Chinese New Year's next. I just have cravings for ba kua, that's all. Oh, and angbao not to forget.

Should I go ns or what? Damn this IT course. But after all this while, it isn't that bad after all. I think everyone has their own mini mini commitments at some point in life. Some might be too obsessed with it; some might just lose interest in it.

I think I have too many dedications. Too many to handle. Too little time to spare. How I wish one day has 48hours (or probably something more than 24). A day passes in a blink of an eye. Just so fast. I want to live my life in a more organize manner, but not like a robot.

Ok, sorry for such a boring post. I'm just feeling.....lost at the moment? *smile*

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Tomorrow's ISNS paper!

When out with my ex-colleague today. Went to get a pool cue - Lucasi LER.

Cool, finally got a personal cue. Price is still ok for such a good brand and made. It's $209. lol.. ok expensive to some of u guys. I saw more expensive ones. Ranging from $260-$1000. haha. Gonna get a pool case from Derren soon when he start bringing in all the stuff...

Den when to Paradigm to have an hour of pool session. Was actually testing the cue. Was TERRIFIC! got home, watch Ying huo cong de meng.

ok, study time.......

ISNS! Here I come!